Share: How do I remove myself from Facebook Business Manager?
How do I remove myself from Facebook Business Manager? and the companies page? or past clients page? This process also works if you are removing employees, past contractors or people that should not have access to your company’s Facebook business page.
Facebook Help Does Not Help
In typical Facebook fashion, their help page here (this is the opposite of help) actually has incorrect information because they change the process all the time without ever updating the help section.
How do I remove myself from Facebook Business Manager Page?
- How do I remove myself from Facebook Business Manager?
- Goto
- Click the business that you want to edit in Facebook business manager
- Click the Page that you want to edit from the list in the middle
- Click settings on the top right
- Click Page Roles
- Click the “X” next to the name of the employee, user, yourself etc
- Click Save at the bottom
- Note: This only works if there are multiple admins, ie there has to be someone else besides you!
How do I remove myself from my company’s Facebook Business Manager completely?
- Next step is to remove business manager completely
- Click “Business Manager on the top left” and click Business manager settings
- Click “Business Info”
- Under My info remove yourself or anyone else
- Click Leave then click proceed
- You are officially out of Facebook Business Manager
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How do I remove myself from Facebook Business Manager?
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