Share: Quickly Find Broken Links – #AskBunka Show Episode 31
Quickly Find Broken Links with a handy Google Chrome extension that you simply click and it checks the page for you and highlights broken links. What we love about this extension is that it also highlights the broken link and gives an error code. For example, if a link doesn’t exist it shows 404 error code so you can quickly clean thing up with either a redirection or by simply editing or removing the link itself.
The purpose of all the is link and page optimization, Google doesn’t want to see a site that’s full of broken links and neither does your next customer.
Quickly Find Broken Links
I love how quick this is and your site can easily be corrected as you edit your blog posts, pages, homepage etc. Have you used this broken link checker? Let us know on Facebook, Youtube or contact us today to ask a question.
How to Setup and Quickly Find Broken Links with Check My Links
1. Chrome Web Store
Goto the Chrome Web Store and search for Check My Links or click here
Click add to chrome and that’s it!
Check My Links Details:

Quickly Find Broken Links – Check My Links Press Avenue AskBunka
Check My Links, is an extension developed primarily for web designers, developers, and content editors. When you’re editing a web page that has lots of links, wouldn’t it be handy to be able to quickly check that all the links on the page are working ok? That’s where ‘Check My Links’ comes in.
‘Check My Links’ quickly finds all the links on a webpage and checks each one for you. It highlights which ones are valid and which ones are broken, simple as that. HTTP response codes and full URLs of broken links are published in the Console log (Found in: ‘Chrome > Tools > Javascript Console’ or Ctrl+Shift+J).
Let us know what you think of the Quickly Find Broken Links – #AskBunka Show Episode 31 WordPress Tutorial. Feel free to ask a question or give your two-cents. Additionally, you can continue the discussion on our Free Facebook Group: "WordPress Tutorials & Community Help"