Move Yoast SEO Meta Box to the Bottom of the Editor

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Let’s Move Yoast SEO Meta Box!! A quick snippet for Custom Post Types and Yoast SEO. If you add your own custom post type you may have run into the problem that Yoast SEO is above your custom fields. This is fine for some people but for a client website I like to move Yoast SEO down and my custom fields up. This little WordPress code snippet below should be placed in your functions.php file or in a plugin created for custom functions.

This little WordPress code snippet below should be placed in your functions.php file or in a plugin created for custom functions.

Move Yoast SEO Meta Box

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Move Yoast SEO Meta Box

Move Yoast SEO Meta Box

What are you talking About?

Custom Post Types:

WordPress can hold and display many different types of content. A single item of such a content is generally called a post, although a post is also a specific post type. Internally, all the post types are stored in the same place, in the wp_posts database table, but are differentiated by a column called post_type.

Example Post Types:

  • Post (Post Type: ‘post’)
  • Page (Post Type: ‘page’)
  • Attachment (Post Type: ‘attachment’)
  • Revision (Post Type: ‘revision’)
  • Navigation Menu (Post Type: ‘nav_menu_item’)
  • Custom CSS (Post Type: ‘custom_css’)
  • Changesets (Post Type: ‘customize_changeset’)

In this example we created a custom post type for a team page, along with custom fields (see below). The Yoast SEO Meta box was above are fields within the post type which was confusing to the client and didn;t logiaclly make any sense. So we created this post to Move Yoast SEO Meta Box.

More Info here:

WordPress Custom Fields:

WordPress has the ability to allow post authors to assign custom fields to a post. This arbitrary extra information is known as meta-data. This meta-data can include bits of information such as: Mood: Happy Currently Reading: Cinderella Listening To: Rock Around the Clock Weather: Hot and humid With some extra coding, it is possible to achieve more complex actions, such as using the metadata to store an expiration date for a post.

  • Mood: Happy
  • Currently Reading: Cinderella
  • Listening To: Rock Around the Clock
  • Weather: Hot and humid

With some extra coding, it is possible to achieve more complex actions, such as using the metadata to store an expiration date for a post.

In our example, we had custom fields for a team members title, photo, and bio but again the Yoast SEO meta box was above this content. So with this simple code to, Move Yoast SEO Meta Box, we moved it down to the bottom.

More Info here:

WordPress Plugin Yoast SEO

The best WordPress SEO plugin out, and its available for free on the WordPress repo.

Yoast SEO

WordPress out of the box is already technically quite a good platform for SEO. This was true when Joost wrote his original WordPress SEO article in 2008 (updated every few months) and it’s still true today, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve it further! This plugin is written from the ground up by Joost de Valk and his team at Yoast to improve your site’s SEO on all needed aspects.

While this Yoast SEO plugin goes the extra mile to take care of all the technical optimization, more on that below, it first and foremost helps you write better content. Yoast SEO forces you to choose a focus keyword when you’re writing your articles and then makes sure you use that focus keyword everywhere.

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