Display a custom favicon in Genesis code snippet – #GenesisWP

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How to display a custom favicon in Genesis. If you’re using the WordPress Genesis Framework then you are well aware that each theme has a custom icon of the same ‘G’.

GenesisWP: Display a custom favicon in Genesis code snippet

@Godiva Chocolate probably loves the Genesis ‘G’ favorite icon but everyone else should change it. #wordpress #genesiswp

Display a custom favicon in Genesis code snippet

This code needs to be added to your Genesis child theme in the functions.php


Ideally you would have a favorite icon that is relevant to you or your client’s business. This could be a logo, symbol or letter.

Creating a Favicon

How to create a custom favicon that can be displayed in your Genesis child theme.

  • First create the image file in your favorite image editor that is 16×16 (or at least a square) and save it. Note: typically I take the client’s business logo and make sure it’s a square and sometimes its as large as 150x150px and the converter does not mind.
  • Next goto http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/ which is an oldie but a goodie.
  • Click “Choose File”
  • Then Click “Create Icon”
  • And that’s it!

Now upload it to your Genesis Child Themes image directory and add the path to the above snippet.


#GenesisWP #WordPress

Do you usually keep the ‘G’ favorite icon or do you customize it? Let us know in the comments.

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