About Press Avenue

Press Avenue - We love helping everyone use WordPress for business.

We are here to be your guide to navigating the world of a WordPress business, freelancing and using WordPress to leverage your business.

So who are you? And where did you come from?

I am a WordPress business owner in Colorado who solely lives off of WordPress alone. I have a mortgage, kids to feed and bills to pay just like you. I use WordPress to build client sites via freelance design, sell products, education,  maintenance and more.

I have been asked by tons of people like you to mentor, teach, give tips to and help utilize WordPress to grow their businesses and to create a business that they too can make a living off of. There are tons of sites out there to help you learn WordPress, how to blog and how to add media but we want to dive a lot deeper and focus on how to make money that you can live off of.

Press Avenue enters into this space to share what worked for me and others in the industry as well. We will soon be launching soon with guides and courses to help you down the path to creating a successful business with WordPress.

WordPress is a fantastic piece of software that will allow you to create a whole business out of it! Or you can go a different direction and and build your business on the WordPress platform! There are unlimited options available to you.

Our Projects & Sites

Press Avenue - WordPress Tutorials